

Nov 11 2011

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Story of a sweater

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved to knit. She knitted every single sweater pattern and every single gram of wool she could get her hands on. She knitted for the whole family. She knitted for her mom and her sister. Then she got a baby niece and she had two boys of her own, and she knitted for them. For years, she always had something on her needles. One day she made this sweater, the sweater.

That young knitted enthusiast is my aunt – Olga, and that cute little thing is ME.  (say it with me awwww).

Time past, young girl slowly parted from knitting. Priorities and interests changed. Fashion changed, the sweater was packed for storage.

Years passed, the niece grew, and one day the sweater was rediscovered. The niece loved it so much that she wore it everywhere. One day she wore it while visiting her little god daughter, and this picture was taken.  The sweater lives on…

And here is Arianna and I (again, awwwww).

The end.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.anastasiapopova.com/2011/11/story-of-a-sweater/

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