

Aug 19 2009

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Julie and Julia

By this time most of you already have seen or at least heard about the movie Julie and Julia. Long story short: the movie is based on the book, which is based on the blog, which is based on the true story (whew) of Julie Powell who decided to make every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. So last Sunday we went to see the movie. Why am I taking about the movie I saw on a crochet blog??? Because it was very inspirational. Mostly I was impressed by the Julia Child’s story, especially about the book publishing. After many rejections, one publishing company agreed to publish her, I believe the publisher said that there is nothing like that on the market. It got me thinking that books with my ideas are not on the market either. One book at the time, I should do it. I really want to do this! Someone will publish them, someone will like it, and ideas are new and original. You are probably wondering what in the world I am talking about… but I cannot really open my card yet 🙂 you understand.
What also inspired me in the movie is Julia’s contagious optimism.  Really, it is amazing.
Oh, yeah, since Monday I have been looking for Julia Child’s cook book. They are SOLD OUT! So my search continues.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.anastasiapopova.com/2009/08/julie-and-julia/

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